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Welcome to Faith Revealed and

thank you for stopping by!  We're a nonprofit mission organization dedicated to changing lives by fulfilling Jesus' command by partnering with missionaries, churches, and you.  Our website highlights the wide variety of evangelistic, spiritual, physical, medical and educational needs we meet around the world.  We invite you to step out in Faith with us!


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?

James 2:5

Scott Ambo

"Several years ago, my brother in Christ, Paul Schlosser, introduced me to foreign missions through Faith Revealed.  The Holy Spirit moved me to become involved in two mission trips, Nicaragua then Cuba.  I learned the value of networking with other Christians and para church organizations to reach the lost with the Gospel, also helping the needy.  The Holy Spirit is stretching me and moving me out of my comfort zone.  No turning back, no regrets."

Prince Nagbe

"I've had many ups and downs in my faith. Some situations that would make people want to quit, but I never did.  But since I encountered Faith Revealed back in December 2021, I'm a counting believer of the gospel and the teachings brought to Liberia, and God has been there to pick me up and brush me off. God has been  blessing  the works of my hands that I'm gaining more contacts around the country. I no longer deny that God has a great plan for me because of pastor Paul Schlosser and all the faithful missionaries through Faith Revealed. I no longer hate people who have hurt me. I thank and praise Faith Revealed.  I grow stronger every day and praise God for it."


"As a single mom sometimes it is hard to find someone that can share with you their story, as a woman.  One thing that I experience working with Mikki is that I was able to be myself, to be the way God created me, and to share joy.  She was there listening even in one of the hardest moments in my life, because sometimes that's all we need, someone who can be there listening...that's how she let Jesus shine.  I will always mention to her and Paul, they both shine in love as a couple, it is meaningful what they do even without knowing because they spread hope."
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